Aimed at farming the best, conserving the rest, the GROWing Outcomes in Watersheds (GROW) supports farmers and ranchers with cost-share funding for projects that aid their operations and improve watershed health. GROW is funded by the Manitoba government and co-administered by Manitoba Habitat Conservancy (MHC) with Westlake Watershed District that delivers the program locally.
Producers with owned or rented lands with in watershed boundaries in the rural municipalities of Alonsa, Lakeshore, Mossey River (southeast area), Westlake-Gladstone (northeast area), and within community boundaries of Northern Affairs (Meadow Portage, Crane River, Waterhen, Rock Ridge, Spence Lake, Mallard, and Salt Point) are encouraged to participate in this program.
If you have any projects in mind that are not listed below, please contact us.
PLEASE CONTACT; for more information or give us a call at 204 -767-2101 and ask for our GROW Coordinator - Tatiana
The Forage Seed Rebate Program is designed to assist producers with perennial forage stand establishment costs. The program offers a rebate of up to $35/acre towards the cost of forage seed, for basic acreage of up to 50 acres, with the potential to increase rebate acreage to 100 acres if funds are available within the program year.
The Polycrop Seed Rebate Program is designed to assist producers with polycrop establishment costs. The program offers a rebate of up to $35/acre towards the cost of seed, for basic acreage of up to 50 acres, with the potential to increase rebate acreage to 100 acres if funds are available for the program year.
Program Objectives:
The Livestock Exclusion Fencing Reimbursement Program is designed to assist producers with installation of new fence that will exclude livestock from surface water bodies including lakes, streams, and wetlands. The program offers a reimbursement of up to $4500.00/mile towards the cost of exclusion fencing construction materials for the program year.
Program Objectives:
Projects that involve the establishment of wells, as well as portable or permanent offsite watering systems for livestock use are supported by this rebate program. The goal is to protect riparian habitats and surface waters from nutrient loading and disturbance. Rebate is offered towards 50% of the contractor cost for well establishment by a licensed well driller. Rebate is also offered towards 85% of the material cost for installing an offsite watering system.
Landowners are encouraged to establish shelterbelts that serve as ecological buffers to protect fields from erosion and to enhance biodiversity. This program offers a rebate of 100% of the cost for seedling trees and shrubs for shelterbelt establishment. Producers in- kind contribution is valued as the cost for ground preparation mulching , equipment's use, labour, and shelterbelt maintenance..
This program supports innovative projects that feature GROW-eligible activities such as exclusion fencing, offsite watering, shelterbelt establishment, in conjunction with other beneficial management practices that benefit their operations and contribute to watershed management. The ultimate goal is to showcase the project for demonstration and education of other producers who may be interested in similar activities. A rebate of 50% is offered towards the cost of demo plot establishment, including materials, labour, and equipment use.
Class 1 wetlands hold water for a few days after heavy rain or up to 1-3 weeks after snowmelt in early spring from April through early May. Class 2 wetlands also hold water in the spring but a little longer, generally 2-6 weeks after snow melt from April through mid-June. These temporary wetlands at high risk of loss and have become vulnerable to drainage. To conserve these temporary wetlands, GROW incentivizes their retention up to a maximum of $75/acre per year for 10 years. If you have these temporary wetlands in your filds and are interested in this program, please reach out to us to have these welands assessed and delineated for incentive.